Non-fictional tales told in a fictional manner

What are “non-fictional tales?” They are true stories. In this particular case, they are Bible stories.

What is a “fictional manner?” Fiction means make-believe. In the Bible, God uses real, historical people to teach us lessons. Ark Tales uses animals to act out the stories.

Author, Mandy Bryant, has experience teaching all ages in both parochial and public schools. She was a school librarian and taught science. While writing curriculum for a children’s church, she came up with the idea of substituting the animal for humans in the Bible stories. People of all ages enjoyed the stories. Thus Ark Tales Books was born.

God’s Word is perfect

We believe that no one is able to improve upon God’s Word. We use the NIV version of the Bible and have only modernized a few names so that non-expert readers are able to read the text to younger ones without stumbling. We have provided footnotes for all of the changes.

A few teaching notes and fun facts have been added to each book. Be sure to visit our resources page for great links to coloring pages, craft ideas, animal facts, and other updates.

Meet the creative team

Mandy Bryant

Skyler McElroy

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